Annual passes must be purchased at the AOAA Trailhead in person with photo ID and completed 2025 waiver
About The Mammoth
In 2018, $25 million dollars from the Abandoned Mine Land Economic Revitalization(AMLER) pilot funds were allocated to Pennsylvania. A portion of these funds in combination with AML Title IV funding, was used to complete the Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area (AOAA) project (88 acres). This project reclaimed approximately 5,000 feet of Dangerous Highwall, one Hazardous Water Body, two Vertical Openings and one Hazardous Equipment & Facilities site. In addition, the AOAA trails were expanded to include approximately 6,600 feet of extreme Jeep crawling trails and re-establishing and/or constructing approximately 4,370 feet of multi-use Jeep/ATV/dirt bike trails. A parking lot in close proximity to the geological formation called the "Whaleback", helicopter landing zone and approximately 4,900 feet of improved roads passable by two-wheel drive vehicles were also constructed.
This "one of a kind”, man-made OHV destination, derives its name from the massive layer of anthracite hard coal known as the Mammoth Vein, that once filled this valley. The operation that extracted the coal from this area, along with the removal of over 2 million cubic yards of overburden, left behind approximately 90 acres of abandoned strip mining land. This widely used practice created numerous hazards, such as high-walls, steep drop-offs and water impoundments, that were deemed unsafe and labeled "attractive nuisances” due to unauthorized recreation and illegal dumping.
The creation of this unique recreational attraction will help boost the local economy and increase tourism, as it is expected to attract visitors from across the United States. It caters to every level of off-road enthusiast, to either navigate or observe one of the most challenging and demanding extreme rock crawling trails in the United States, in a safe and managed facility. Riders can enjoy stunning vistas, educational areas, trail viewing points and beautiful scenery, all located at the Anthracite Outdoor Adventure Area(AOAA).
In the spring of 2022, after approximately 30 months, the project was completed and opened to visitors and park customers soon after.
As expected, a project of this magnitude is a huge undertaking and requires many agencies, land owners, and partners to complete.

All visitors to the AOAA that are attempting Mammoth trail must make
pre-arrangements with the AOAA staff prior to coming! Please call
570-648-2626 to make pre-arrangements(NO EXCEPTIONS). (THIS IS NOT JUST
● Complete the online waiver before coming to the trailhead.
● Everyone must check-in at the Welcome Center to purchase a trail pass.
● Minimum of 3 vehicles per group, 1 can be the support vehicle. Support vehicle
MUST BE a full size vehicle! Absolutely no SxS’s, UTV’s, ATV’s or Motorcycles
for support vehicles.
● An AOAA staff will do a vehicle inspection BEFORE you go to the Mammoth
trail. This is to make sure that the vehicle meets the requirements for the trail.
AOAA reserves the right to refuse access to Mammoth trail.
● One person in the group will be responsible for the entire group! That person
will be the trail leader.
● Trail leaders will be issued a key to the Mammoth trail access gate. Once all
vehicles are through the gate that are attempting the mammoth trail the trail
leader MUST CLOSE AND LOCK the gate behind you! Any support vehicles
entering the extraction gates must MUST CLOSE AND LOCK the gate behind
you! This is to keep unwanted vehicles off of the trail! The extraction trail must
be kept open at all times. Please park support vehicles along the side and leave
room to get by. Absolutely no SxS’s, UTV’s, ATV’s or Motorcycles on the
Mammoth trail or extraction trail! ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS YOU WILL BE
● Trail leaders are responsible to contact the AOAA trailhead if there is a
breakdown and the group will be late returning to the trailhead.
● CUT OFF time is 4:00PM! You must start to get off the Mammoth by 4:00 pm to
return to the parking lot by 5:00 PM!
● Return time is 5:00 PM.
● Trail leader will return the access key to the AOAA trailhead by 5:00PM. Failure
to return the key will result in fines!
● If you have a breakdown and are going to be late please call the AOAA trailhead
570-648-2626. We have other extraction gates that we can get your hauler into
the Mammoth area to pick up your Buggy without having to travel back to the
parking lot. You are responsible for the recovery of your vehicle!
● Absolutely no open toe shoes on the mammoth trail! No flip flops!
● All drivers and passengers MUST WEAR A HELMET!
● All spotters and media are required to wear a helmet! YOU MUST SUPPLY!
● All spotters and media are required to wear a Hi-Viz vest when on the
Mammoth trail! AOAA has loaners.
● NO spectators on Mammoth trail rocks! Do not stand on rocks!
● You can view from the sides of the trail!
Ready For The Challenge?
● Full roll cage (OEM “sport cage” is not compatible)
● Minimum of a 4 point harness
● Locked axles front & rear
● Minimum of a 37” tall tire.
● Fire extinguisher
● Tow points front & rear
● Winch